Saturday, October 23, 2010

Abundant Choices - Hiring a Life Coach

Abundance, 2007 24" x 24"
About a week ago, my husband and I were taking a walk and talking about our day together.  I was explaining to him that I felt so close to where I wanted to go with my life (and art business), but I felt blocked from actually making that last little critical step of actually making it.

His response was that I should hire a coach.  My reflex, even though I used to be a coach myself, was that I don't need help.  I can do it myself.  I didn't even have time to think before these ideas flooded into my brain.  

Because when I did take a mere second to think, I thought this is the time like no other that I could really use a coach.  I am so ready for to accept the goodness of the Universe, which sounds a little flip, but actually I've put a lot of work into that part.  Having help in removing the obstacles that I place in front of myself, might be a really good idea.

And then the second reflex occurred, which is I don't have any money to pay a coach and the money that I don't have yet, I've already spent on new studio space.  And who would I hire anyway?  It would have to be a co-active coach.  And then the beautiful face of my dear friend Sue Vittner popped in my brain.  She is a life coach, who is mostly doing massage therapy because marketing coaching isn't the easiest thing to do in the world--I can relate to that!  She collected Abundance a couple of years ago and had recently inquired about Three Waters, shown below. 
Three Waters, 2010

So, my next actual thought was I may be cash poor right now, but I am art rich!  So, I met with her the next day, as she was in town, and we came to a pretty straight forward arrangement of her coaching me in exchange for Three Waters.

I can tell you that I immediately felt energized and hopeful again that I can accomplish the goals and milestones that I have for myself.  I have witnessed the power of coaching first hand and know what life-altering affects that it can have.  And I have allowed myself this "help" at a critical juncture in my life.  I am allowing Abundance.


  1. Congratulations! Laurie, I love where you're going, and so appreciative of the commitment you've made and continue to make to your art and your business.

  2. Wow Laurie, what a great story! I'm so psyched about our barter agreement too. I wish I was artistic enough to see if your friend would work with me as well. Your work is so beautiful. Way to go on taking the next step!

