Saturday, October 23, 2010

Abundant Choices - Hiring a Life Coach

Abundance, 2007 24" x 24"
About a week ago, my husband and I were taking a walk and talking about our day together.  I was explaining to him that I felt so close to where I wanted to go with my life (and art business), but I felt blocked from actually making that last little critical step of actually making it.

His response was that I should hire a coach.  My reflex, even though I used to be a coach myself, was that I don't need help.  I can do it myself.  I didn't even have time to think before these ideas flooded into my brain.  

Because when I did take a mere second to think, I thought this is the time like no other that I could really use a coach.  I am so ready for to accept the goodness of the Universe, which sounds a little flip, but actually I've put a lot of work into that part.  Having help in removing the obstacles that I place in front of myself, might be a really good idea.

And then the second reflex occurred, which is I don't have any money to pay a coach and the money that I don't have yet, I've already spent on new studio space.  And who would I hire anyway?  It would have to be a co-active coach.  And then the beautiful face of my dear friend Sue Vittner popped in my brain.  She is a life coach, who is mostly doing massage therapy because marketing coaching isn't the easiest thing to do in the world--I can relate to that!  She collected Abundance a couple of years ago and had recently inquired about Three Waters, shown below. 
Three Waters, 2010

So, my next actual thought was I may be cash poor right now, but I am art rich!  So, I met with her the next day, as she was in town, and we came to a pretty straight forward arrangement of her coaching me in exchange for Three Waters.

I can tell you that I immediately felt energized and hopeful again that I can accomplish the goals and milestones that I have for myself.  I have witnessed the power of coaching first hand and know what life-altering affects that it can have.  And I have allowed myself this "help" at a critical juncture in my life.  I am allowing Abundance.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Spaciousness, c2010, 24"x30"

I rediscovered spaciousness in the studio this week.  I have always been attracted to small spaces.  I think it may have something to do with the organizational challenge of making it functional.  

I have recently moved into a new space in my building.  I was trying to solve some of the weather challenges of my current space and thought that it was going to be a this OR that choice.  But it ended up being a this AND that choice.  

The new space on the 2nd floor is my dry studio.  I have moved my sewing machine, cutting, ironing, and painting stations.  As well as carved out a space for an office.  The new space has amazing light (except for a couple of hours in the late afternoon when it is a little too amazing--but I've got a solution for that!) and is well air-conditioned.  

The old space on the 3rd floor is my wet studio that I use for dying fabric, storage, frame-making preparing food and coffee, and journaling.  As I used the big empty spot yesterday to work with my dyes, I marveled at how it felt to be in spaciousness.

This week, I've also felt spacious with my time.  My metronome schedule with my day job has changed as my carpooling schedule with my husband's new contract has changed.  Instead of working Monday, Wednesday, and Friday--were I was always one day from the studio and helped me a lot to be more present--I'm working 10 hours each on Wednesday and Thursday.  

The new schedule gives me a lot more time consecutively which makes dying fabric easier and it feels like I have more time in the studio.